Mua will be in KL for the week, just for the sake of a holiday (avoid stress piling up by the time I enter seem 2)
Stayed with Double and Fenny at their cozy dorm. It's about a minute walk to the college! How awesome right?
Reached here around 3ish on Saturday, unpack and lenggang for a while, while they two are finishing up their assignments
Went out dinner with their housemate, Arthur and friends and suddenly it's decided that we go clubbing
My eyes were closing already when Double and Fenny are dressing up and putting on make ups XD I was carefree
5mins before they are done, I dressesed up and they help me by putting on mascara and eye liner
So, there goes my virginity of clubbing and my naked face XD
Oh, we went to Sanctuary btw, was ok, I guess. Crowded (normal) Loud music (normal) People drinking like no tomorrow (normal)
Drank for the first time(other than Shandy). It was black label + coke but it tasted like Dettol. Still no complaints cause at the end of the 'morning', I drank green tea and plain water
My feet were sore, my eyes are tired Lol! But got to admit had a pretty good time ^^
Oh, I accidentally hit a guy in the eye. Didn't do it in purpose! He was trying to bend down to talk to me and Arthur pulled me up to go in front and join Double and Fenny. So yeah... It happened XD Sorry!
before heading home, we went to Original Kayu for supper but I didn't had anything cause not hungry
Reached home around 5ish, bathed and hit the sack
The next day, met up with a friend I knew from BDM, Ayu for lunch
Had Korean food, ordered lunch box while Double and Ayu ordered rabooki.
Didn't finish my food cause was really full XD
Then we walked around for a while to Popular to get some stuff then for dessert! Yums! Baskin Robins!
After that, we went back ^^ was really tired. Upon reaching, Jensen called and asked if I'm free to go out tonight, so I agreed
He went to another KDU at SS13 and we were really confused about each other's location. Nevertheless, he reached
Didn't know where we were going at first but at the end went for rounds around SS2 area
Learned that there's Starbucks EVERYWHERE but no Coffee Bean XD sad case for him as a CB lover
Wanted to go to Murni but was packed! So went for tong sui instead. Ordered my favourite Mango Loh. Nothing special bout it, maybe I should have ordered those authentic chinese tong sui XD
Got lots of catching up and had good laughs. Oh! Found out that he's an egg tart person like me! xD
Returned home later on cause don't know where to head to. Thanks for the night out, 'boss'
On Monday, I spent the day waiting for Double and Fenny to come home.
Wasn't really feeling well cause it's the time of the month =(
Didn't had anything until dinner. Ate my fav fried rice (got too heaty, having sore throat now)
Their housemate wanted a drinking session but I didn't drink, just watching them go crazy
But I left early so I can get some shut eye cause my dark circle is crazily huge! XD *exaggerate*
On Tuesday, Rue came and gave me my Bonamana Ver.C CD! Smiling all the way for my handsome Kyu! ^^
Me got a poster and samples from 2PM's endorse New Skin(?) from her too. How cool is THAT?! XD
Wednesday, me went to 1Utama for lunch and movie.
Watched Revenge of the King Cobra. I practically shouted throughout the whole movie. >.<"
The shopaholics are uncontrollable. Till the last penny in their pocket also used up
While they are going crazy shopping, I sat aside and watched (I feel like a husband following my wife shopping for CNY clothes)
Fenny said anyone who marries me will be so blessed cause I don't spend a lot. ROFL!
And something unpleasant happened at the end (not gonna mention. you and I know)
Later that night, I spent my first Mid-Autumn Festival away from home but found lots of drama in Double and Fenny's class.
Come on, it's no crime to gossip. It's us(girls') expertise. XD
Thursday, ate pan mee for lunch. Loved the noodle's texture.
And I heard a really cute thing! A guy asked Fenny if his confession was good. Seriously, I love the way he did. XD
'Hi, can you give me 5minutes so that we get to know each other? If you don't mind, can we go out to lunch sometime?'I practically smiled and 'awww...' at him! hahaha...
After that, I spend my whole afternoon at KDU's library reading Romeo and Juliet
Because my flu is driving me crazy, decided to go back but end up another hour in KDU's cafeteria. It's super NICE!
Despite being sick, we went for Claypot Chicken Rice. Yums!
After taking my meds, decided to sleep but they dragged me up from bed to play cards XD
Joined later by Arthur, playing 369. Feeling groggy, my brain processed really slow but had a good time nevertheless
FLYDAY! The day I'm going home! ^^ Went to 1Utama bus terminal alone and got myself brunch supplies from Subway
Ordered Breakfast strips & Eggs and Tuna & Eggs. Thumbs up to both! The white coffee(free) was really nice! my first coffee in 2weeks! XD
I spend my whole 4hour journey watching Dance Subaru and 10Promises to My Dog.
I'm really glad that I'm home. Not because I didn't love Kay Elle but I think it's always best to be home
School starts on Monday =.=" don't feel motivated and results coming out on my dad's birthday.
Hope it will be a double happiness then ^^
Till then. You'll heard it first from Serene XoXo