Sunday, November 21, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Watched this twice! It wasn't that good but I have to say that it's the best Harry Potter movie I've seen after Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I ALWAYS have something to complain about the other series because I've read the book and I ALWAYS think that the movie missed the best part of the novel.
Instead, I think the writer and producer made used of the best part of the novel and changed it into something hilarious or something better!
Which I would give a thumbs up to that. And I love the setting of this movie.
So many beautiful places that they went to shoot this.
I was quite disappointed at some point of the movie because I thought it was too short. I think the duel they had could be longer and more exciting. But I guess they need to keep it at 2hour plus movie so the audience don't get bored. Still thumb up!

I'm all pumped up for Part 2! because this is where ALL the real adventure starts!
And of course I'm most definitely waiting for after 16years later story!
Whoever who read the book would know what I mean ^^
And oh! I do have something to complain. Tom Felton didn't get enough parts in the movie! He barely had a 10min screen time!
But then again, his parts in the book, wasn't that much either, so *shrugs* I guess it's forgiven then.

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