In purple robes and mortar board, I'm one happy girl!
Wingardium Leviosa! And guess what? The sorting hat says I'm in Ravenclaw *inside joke*
Went there sharp at 12, walked to SOT to meet up with TP, Milo, Suzzane and Sotong!
Chit chatted with them and got updates about everyone's life...
we look pretty much clueless on where to register ourselves until we thought we should go walk and find a better place to stand XD
After registering, got my number (33) which is also my house address number! ^^ what coincidence
we then put on our robes and mortar board...
boy is the place crowded @_@ people EVERYWHERE!
we then lined up, and 'marched' into CA (it still feels warm even after going in)
The whole giving the scroll ceremony was pretty fast, before we knew it, we had to line up to go up stage
PR people will always be PR people, we always find amusing things to do to entertain ourselves XD
we played with the empty scroll container by making a sound wave with it... XD
caught us all laughing as hell and then we settled down just in case someone comes up and scold us... LOL
I played race car during the DBU price giving and I saw AikBu! we waved like it's a hundred years since we met
After the whole thing, we had to sing Negaraku! A song I have not sung after leaving school! Was really enjoying it though XD
Just as we step out of the hall, damn it's HOT! like crazy hot weh! started sweating like a fish! LOL
I got irritated because of the sea of people and the pushing @_@
Oh! I got my first photo taken with friend was AikBu! ^^
I wanted to give up and go home but decided to try my luck again...
Took pic with my parents with the help of Kaka (Athena's team leader)
He took a GREAT PHOTO of US! XD must give him alot of credit... regretted didn't take pic with him though =( cause he look so handsome in formal wear ^^
Then jumped into the sea once again, took pic with Yvonne and Vayshna! ^^
And walked up to CA to find the familiar faces again!
Took LOTS of photos with them, my M56!
What makes me happy is getting to take pic with my former 'boss', Jensen XD
He was like 'help me take pic with my PA' *hands camera to kelley* ROFL!
I must say this, Daisy and Cindy have HOT brothers! XD but look a little elderly to be their younger bro... XD
I've said this before and I'm going to say this again...