Met him for the first time after we got together
Butterflies~ Many of them! I still have them now whenever he ask to meet >.<"
Watched a movie with him and
Funny dinner when we had to SOS his friend to help us finish our food
He and his friend look really stuffed but they tried their best... Kekeke...
We were awkward! But me had a good time with him =)
Gave him the cheesecake I baked when he sent me home
Was so reluctant to give it to him because I'm really worried that it won't taste good
The next day, even after he told me that he and his mum liked the cake, I still worry
Irene wanted to kill me cause I was so nervous to read his text LOL!
This week I cancelled many dates with my girls to meet him and this is what they say
'Hmph! I knew it! Giving up on you' *in Hokkien* XD
But I'm really happy that he got to meet my friends and Louis! ROFL!
And they like him =)
Bonus for him when they say 'he don't look like he's older than us'
Mum said something that made me feel touched
She said that I shouldn't go out till late with him so that his parents wouldn't get a bad impression of me and my family thinking that her family allows her to go out till late
And that I should appreciate moments with her and dad cause I may be leaving them for work in the future (she's hinting Singapore)
She has a world of chances for me, that's why I love her *huggies mummy*
I think we are less awkward now... are we, love?
I didn't talk throughout the whole journey when he sent me home today because I know myself too well that I'll cry if I was to tell you I'll miss you and I love you
Sorry, love ♥
Overall, my whole week is filled with smiles and butterflies =)
From Singapore with ♥
From Redang with ♥
You the only boy that I need
The only one that I dream about endlessly
You know I think you’re perfect
For all the wait I know you’re worth it
- Kina Granis & David Choi, The Way You Are
ps: that's our name in korean, love
Hey serene, aww.. thats such a good gift LOL he bought you that huh? hehe... its good that your mom is friends and family is so supportive of you and him :D, Me too i wish you all the best XD