31 Ogos 1957, tarikh yang saya pasti setiap warga Malaysia tidak akan lupa
pengorbanan askar-askar demi mempertahankan tanah air
Pada masa dahulu, 31 Ogos merupakan tarikh yang setiap warga Malaysia banggakan
kerana ia adalah tarikh Malaya mendapat kemerdekaan
dan pada 16 September Malaysia mendapat namanya
Sorakkan Tunku Abdul Rahman di podium 'Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!' masih bergelora di ingatan
Kata-kata yang menyentuh hati setiap hadirin di stadium ketika itu
Perasaan bangga dan terharu sebagai rakyat Malaysia
Tetapi kini, 31 Ogos bagaikan satu konspirasi yang ingin ditunjuk-tunjukkan kerana perpaduan kaum negara kita
Kerana perbezaan warna kulit, bahasa and budaya kita
Padahal, perbalahan tentang kewarganegaraan dan asal-usul orang cina dan india masih dipersoalkan
Tidakkah mereka berasa malu dengan perbuatan dan kata-kata kesat yang diluahkan?
Pihak kerajaan menyatakan bahawa jika terdapat penyataan buruk tentang kaum lain, tindakan tegas akan dijalankan
Tetapi adakah ia berguna?
Saya berpendapat bahawa yang patut dititikberatkan adalah keperibadian seseorang itu
Oleh sebab sikap prejudis inilah yang memecahbelahkan perpaduan kami
Jika ingin dibandingkan dengan America, bukankah negara mereka mempunyai lebih kaum, budaya dan bahasa?
Sekiranya begitu, apalah yang patut dibanggakan Malaysia?
Generasi muda kini, hanya melihatkan Hari Kebangsaan ini sebagai cuti sekolah yang dinanti-nantikan
Bagi generasi yang lepas, ia mungkin suatu hari yang harus diperingatkan
Hari Kebangsaan bukan sekadar memperingatkan jasa-jasa askar-askar wataniah yang mengadaikan nyawa mereka untuk negara kita
Tetapi juga adalah hari yang kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia harus mengenang kembali tindakan kita. Adakah wajar saya berfikiran demikian tentang kaum lain? Adakah patut saya membezakan diri saya dengan kaum lain?
Tidak. Di sini, saya anak Malaysia.
Selamat Hari Kebangsaan dan Hari Malaysia
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Late Birthday Wish
Saturday, August 14, 2010
I My Me Mine
Naega saeng-il eh yo! XD *it's my birthday*
First, I got my first birthday present this year from my sis. It's my most wanted FAME white/gold headphone! I'm lovin' it!
Opened it but haven't officially used it cause I want to wait till I finish my advance diploma then get a RED lappie to go with it! <3
Yesterday, I met up with Jinyi(Genie XD). We went to the Bread History Cafe for lunch! cause I wanted to =p
We're still awkward around each other but I think we made progress. At least I talk alot yo! XD
I kept asking him why he wanted to meet *evilgrin* then he asked for my bag and placed something in it
After paying the bill, we went back to Starbucks to meet up with Xiyen! ^^
Haha... As expected, my Xiyen won't betray me! XD he asked which is my car but Xiyen just told him it's white XD kekeke...
I opened my bag after he left and I found a really sweet present! XD
It's the one and only kind Starbucks tumbler just for me! XD he told me his fruit cake plan failed so... yeah... no cake XD

Today, Mr.Maha's class was surprisingly bearable cause usually we'll whine about going back early and yawn but we didn't today Wohoo! XD
After class, went to get lunch with my friends at McD ^^
Once we reached Butterworth's jetty side, I went to meet up with Jinyi again cause he wanted to give me something
I was smiling from ear to ear when I saw what he gave! FRUIT CAKE!
Not just any cake, but a cake that he made it himself ^^
PhaikIm, Phoebe and Yeewen were checking out the cake and said it smelled really good
Seriously, it's nice! XD just too much cream... but hey, for a first timer, he's not too shabby

Qilly wrote me a oneshot AGAIN! <3 me just love her to bits~ thank you~
Had dinner with parents... The End XD
I would like to thank Xiyen for accompanying me for the past two days! ^^
And, Happy advance Birthday to Vayshna, Qill and Rue! <3
Haha... the fact that 3 of my friends shares the same birthday, I feel lonely on my birthday XD still, I enjoy my day ^^
Thank you for making my day... Serene hearts every one of you *muacks*
First, I got my first birthday present this year from my sis. It's my most wanted FAME white/gold headphone! I'm lovin' it!
Opened it but haven't officially used it cause I want to wait till I finish my advance diploma then get a RED lappie to go with it! <3
Yesterday, I met up with Jinyi(Genie XD). We went to the Bread History Cafe for lunch! cause I wanted to =p
We're still awkward around each other but I think we made progress. At least I talk alot yo! XD
I kept asking him why he wanted to meet *evilgrin* then he asked for my bag and placed something in it
After paying the bill, we went back to Starbucks to meet up with Xiyen! ^^
Haha... As expected, my Xiyen won't betray me! XD he asked which is my car but Xiyen just told him it's white XD kekeke...
I opened my bag after he left and I found a really sweet present! XD
It's the one and only kind Starbucks tumbler just for me! XD he told me his fruit cake plan failed so... yeah... no cake XD

Today, Mr.Maha's class was surprisingly bearable cause usually we'll whine about going back early and yawn but we didn't today Wohoo! XD
After class, went to get lunch with my friends at McD ^^
Once we reached Butterworth's jetty side, I went to meet up with Jinyi again cause he wanted to give me something
I was smiling from ear to ear when I saw what he gave! FRUIT CAKE!
Not just any cake, but a cake that he made it himself ^^
PhaikIm, Phoebe and Yeewen were checking out the cake and said it smelled really good
Seriously, it's nice! XD just too much cream... but hey, for a first timer, he's not too shabby

Qilly wrote me a oneshot AGAIN! <3 me just love her to bits~ thank you~
Had dinner with parents... The End XD
I would like to thank Xiyen for accompanying me for the past two days! ^^
And, Happy advance Birthday to Vayshna, Qill and Rue! <3
Haha... the fact that 3 of my friends shares the same birthday, I feel lonely on my birthday XD still, I enjoy my day ^^
Thank you for making my day... Serene hearts every one of you *muacks*
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Deeply Truly Madly
It's one of those days that I wanted to tell the whole world I'm in love... with my classmates! XD
Yesterday was a pretty awesome day to start off with. Late for class! how less awesome can that be? =p
We went driving round town to look for breakfast! Delicious Kaya-Butter toast!
Makes me miss half-boiled eggs for breakfast and crazily delicious iced coffee! *ok, now i'm starting to miss my coffee dates*
We started class early for our second session for discussion evading empty classroom XD
The best of it, WE FINISHED EARLY! LOL! I'm starting to sound like a bad student
After that, we headed to SEOUL GARDEN GURNEY! ^^ but before that, we attended to some business =X
Waiting for everyone to arrive, spotted this adorable cutie with her good looking brother... not to mention, TRENDY MAMA!
Sotong and I took photo with the sweetie! ^^
After everyone gathered, we went for our FEAST! really full!
but I'm always up for dessert XD corn ice cream! me and vayshna shared cause Sotong scooped it for us ^^
Phoebe and Cheah Yong ate MOUNTAINS! ok... so maybe not, but hell lot! XD
After everyone settled, we broke into 2groups by then, which made me feel not wanting to stay any longer
So, I asked Sotong whether we can leave earlier which we did
On the ride home was CRAZEE! we joked and laugh a lot! Looks like we're getting younger XD
Not much of writing this time ^^
Yesterday was a pretty awesome day to start off with. Late for class! how less awesome can that be? =p
We went driving round town to look for breakfast! Delicious Kaya-Butter toast!
Makes me miss half-boiled eggs for breakfast and crazily delicious iced coffee! *ok, now i'm starting to miss my coffee dates*
We started class early for our second session for discussion evading empty classroom XD
The best of it, WE FINISHED EARLY! LOL! I'm starting to sound like a bad student
After that, we headed to SEOUL GARDEN GURNEY! ^^ but before that, we attended to some business =X
Waiting for everyone to arrive, spotted this adorable cutie with her good looking brother... not to mention, TRENDY MAMA!
Sotong and I took photo with the sweetie! ^^
After everyone gathered, we went for our FEAST! really full!
but I'm always up for dessert XD corn ice cream! me and vayshna shared cause Sotong scooped it for us ^^
Phoebe and Cheah Yong ate MOUNTAINS! ok... so maybe not, but hell lot! XD
After everyone settled, we broke into 2groups by then, which made me feel not wanting to stay any longer
So, I asked Sotong whether we can leave earlier which we did
On the ride home was CRAZEE! we joked and laugh a lot! Looks like we're getting younger XD
Not much of writing this time ^^
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I'm still vulnerable

Had probably one of the worst days today.
I got suspected for my work
She asked a number of times whether I was sure it was my work and not copied from the Internet
I was dumbfounded when she asked that
Never had it once crossed my mind that someone would suspect the originality of my work
To be honest, it hurt me even though I knew that nothing good will ever come out from her mouth
Still, I could not hide the dissapointment when she accused me
After my presentation, I cried my heart out in the washroom
I guess I did not know how to control my emotions well enough to hide the sadness
But I'm glad I have friends who cared ^^ thank you
For the comfort and words of encouragement
It's the littlest thought that made me smile today
Even after we graduated, I still seek for Fatimah when I want to pour my emotions out
Thank for being there for me ^^
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