Before you start reading, please note that this will probably hurt your feelings, so kindly click the 'x' while you still can. XD
What's the problem?
We're like water and oil where the both of us just could blend in
We're like fire and oil where neither of us wants to give in!
We just couldn't stand being in the same room as each other because we knew when the talking starts, it's never going to end!
Because we just couldn't come to a decision!
We're trying really hard by compromising and sharing but at the end, you call us 'selfish'
We're trying really hard by rushing to meet deadlines but at the end, you pull us back to the starting point
We're trying really hard by looking for sponsor to make OUR event look grand, you say we're money face
You just made us seem like Hell while you're Heaven, when clearly you have horns hidden under the halo
Not to forget, you made us look really bad in front of the juniors!
How are they going to look at us in the future? 'Look! those snobbish seniors who think they are all that' < I'm not surprised if I overheard someone saying that
Let me set this problems in an orderly manner.
1) TIME. I wonder if your dictionary have the word 'punctuality'. We have a deadline to rush yet you're taking it slow because you think that we charge aimlessly at the dates when you're the one who sets the date
2) PUBLICITY. I wonder if your dictionary is that old to not have the word 'publicity' in it. Do you even know what it means? It means CREATING AWARENESS! which you WANTED! Do you think you can create awareness in one day? Do you even think students care about Going Green when they have the Odyssey Night going on?
3) CONCLUSION. I wonder if you'll ever make up your mind. First you say 'yes' then you say 'no' then 'yes' then 'no'. So what's your conclusion? Do you do this when it comes to making decision of marriage with your boyfriend? Because if you do, I'm going to trash your wedding with Katy Perry's Hot and Cold.
4) FUN. This is the only time where students can actually have fun in their assignment but you just dropped the bomb into their excitement but telling them 'I'm the boss. You listen to what I say' If it is as you said that our past PR Fair is meaningless, at least we had FUN! Besides that, we learn a lot from it. From budgeting, to venue decision, compromising, sharing, crisis management and so on. Just because you never had fun, doesn't mean you can restrict us from having FUN!
5) CAMPAIGNS. Just to let you know, WE HAD MEANINGFUL CAMPAIGNS! Some of the groups did FUND RAISING CAMPAIGN. Whereas, some other groups did daring events and it was a big success that we're proud of. You are right! We're doing these for our coursework marks but this is a TRADITION of us PR Students to have it! Even if it's not included in our coursework marks in the future, we may still continue the tradition because we ENJOY doing it (scratch that) You killed the enjoyment.
Please do not judge a book by its cover! You don't know us that well because you were prejudice against us! So, you're in no position to judge us just because you're a lecturer. And, we're not that impressed with your Masters. So, don't come showing off like you're the ONLY one with a Masters in this college. Shame on you from self praising.
Thank you! XD