Arrived Sheffield safely after 16 hours of flight from Penang and 2hours bus ride from Manchester Airport
Everyone was fascinated by little things like the architecture of the houses here, Mercedes/Jaguar/Volkswagen everywhere(!)and healthy looking cows, sheep and horses. Fell in love with my room the instant I opened the door... Small but cozy! Manage to unpack everything though it's a mess cause I would rather not put my things in high places =.="

Scenery from the Bus Ride


Explored the town a bit and guess what! Starbucks is just 5min walk from my place! How cool! But no, I'm not interested in Starbucks here, rather get cheap coffee by the stand at the streets which only cost 1pound and taste just as good!
Clothes and food here are rather the same price except for ice creams. Yes, even CHEESE is about the same price we get back home. The magnum here offer 3 for 1pound! Imagine how we are scammed back in Malaysia paying 1 for RM3.90! *curse you* Fruits are especially cheap =) Bought cherries, yogurt, milk and cereals, each cost 1pound or slightly more! I have yet to encounter food products for more than 2pounds

First Meal cooked by WeiWen (9/6/2012 - Lunch)

Second Meal cooked by Yours Truly (10/6/2012 - Lunch)

Breakfast - so far, everyday
One thing I love about Sheffield is you can find various departmental stores(like Parkson here) every few meters! And of course the brands you're familiar with like TopShop, H&M, Dorothy Perkins, Birkenstock etc. you can basically find it everywhere! There's also places like F.O.S which sells scarred items at a very cheap price. Found Ivanka Trump(Donald Trump's daughter)'s clothing line there for a great bargain of 30pounds for a trench coat! How awesome?! So far, I bought myself a dress from H&M at 12.99pounds but found out Primark sells even cheaper clothes! Especially for men! Anyone who wants something from me, please leave a comment on details of what you want and I'll try to see for bargains on those items.
Sorry, I do not have much photos as you all know, I'm no fan of taking photos but will try to do more =D cheers!
At the park =)
Eating ice cream in 17 degrees! Challenge accepted!
Me at Sheffield City Hall! (sorry for the tilted photo... lazy wanna edit ade) xD
Signing off from Sheffield, Opal 1.